Make a Kili Promise


Invest in climate care projects by schoolchildren and put our projects with the kids of Kilimanjaro in Fast Forward.

Why? Because today’s children are tomorrow’s future.

THE GREENMANJARO FOUNDATION initiates, enables and facilitates The Kilimanjaro Climate Care projects with local organisations, Jane Goodall Institute and FT Kilimanjaro. 

 Schoolchildren in the region learn how to improve their environment. Our extra curriculum activities include:

  • Plant trees on school grounds and near water springs to combat drought
  • Collection and recycling of plastic waste and upcycling of plastic products
  • Growing and nurturing tree seedlings for the neglected Rau Forest
  • Planting veggie gardens on their school grounds, adding nourishment to their lunches
  • Using toothbrush tree twigs to clean teeth and improve oral hygiene

Children love using their new skills, team spirit increases, and they are motivated to create solutions for climate change.

SO, TAKE ACTION. Make a KILI PROMISE and donate. 

For corporates / organisations, make GREENMANJARO part of your corporate social responsibility. 

Contact us to discuss your requirements for a  tailor made KILI PROMISE.

See the Media Kit and branding guide on the homepage for inspiration.

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